Twin Peaks: Zen or the Skill to Catch a Killer (S01E03)

Ben’s brother Jerry Horne arrives in Twin Peaks to visit One Eyed Jacks, a casino and brothel the Horne brothers own across the Canada–United States border. Bobby and Mike discover that Leo, their cocaine dealer, knows Shelly is having an affair. Cooper relates a dream he had years earlier about a Tibetan investigative technique: while reading the names of suspects, he throws a stone at a glass bottle; if the bottle breaks, the suspect is worth investigating. The technique suggests Leo and Jacoby are suspects. Acerbic FBI forensics specialist Albert Rosenfield arrives in Twin Peaks to perform Laura’s autopsy. Josie, suspecting Catherine’s ill intentions, discovers she has been keeping two sets of ledgers. To Sarah’s distress, her husband Leland’s grieving has become increasingly unhinged. Cooper has a surreal dream about a one-armed man named MIKE and a malevolent spirit named BOB who vows to “kill again“. In the dream, an older Cooper sits in a red room with a dwarf and a woman who resembles Laura. They speak in a jarring, disjointed manner, and “Laura“ whispers something in Cooper’s ear. Cooper wakes up, calls Truman, and declares he knows who the killer is.
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