Magic O Metal - Loud and Proud ~ Children of Hope ~

Loud and Proud ~ Children of Hope ~ [lyrics below] is the first in a series of Magic O Metal songs where Sander Gommans brings young talents together with professional artists to write and record killer metal tracks. Loud and Proud is a series of songs with the message to everyone regardless of age to be inspired and to discover your own true unique powers! It is a reminder to never lose sight of the child in ourselves. Keep wondering and keep playing! The POWER is in you .... BELIEVE ... CREATE!! Loud and Proud ~ Children of Hope ~ was written by Sander Gommans, Monica Janssen, Frank Schiphorst, Thijmen van der Meer and Alexander de Wit and features the following musicians: Vocals: Monica Janssen [] Grunts: Nova Huijben [] Guitars: Frank Schiphorst [] Guitars: Thijmen van der Meer Guitars: Alexander de Wit Bass: Sander Stappers Drums: Fons van Dijk [] Spoken part: Lana Gommans Additional keyboards: Erwin Herms
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