Moriarty the Patriot OP Full (English Cover) 【Candace】 DYING WISH

Hi everyone! I’d hate to sound like a broken record so I won’t go on for too long, but I wanted to thank everyone once again for the support on our videos lately. As of writing this, we are 8 subscribers away from 1,000! We’ve been making videos for nearly 10 years and we never thought we would reach this number, so it’s really cool for you all to make our dream come true like that. Thank you so much for watching our covers, and I hope you stick around for our future stuff! Thank you to user Mr. Vivachious for requesting this! I hadn’t heard of the anime until their comment, so I thought I’d watch a few episodes before getting to work on this one. I’m not really that knowledgeable on the Sherlock Holmes lore, but I like that Takeuchi basically turned a classic-style villain into a guy who wants to destroy the rigid class structure (an icon.) It’s pretty interesting, and I’d like to continue seeing how they up the momentum. But that’s about it, don
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