Новый сезон 2012/2013

В новом сезоне в Большом театре: оперы “Травиата“, “Князь Игорь“, “Сомнамбула“, “Дитя и волшебство“; балеты “Аполлон“, “Весна священная“, “Иван Грозный“, “Мойдодыр“ и др. Meet the new opera season in the Bolshoi: “La traviata“, production by Francesca Zambello; “La sonnambula“, production by Pierluigi Pizzi; Borodin’s “Prince Igor“, Ravel’s “L’enfant et les sortilèges“. Ballets include George Balanchine’s “Apollo“, Wayne McGregor’s “Le Sacre du Printemps“ and the revival of Grigorovich’s “Ivan the Terrible“.
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