Бог с тобой! 🇷🇺🙏☦🙏🇷🇺 God is with you!

Песня «Бог с тобой!» посвящается бойцам СВО. Автор слов Алексей Муртазин The song “God is with you!“ is dedicated to the fighters of the SVO. The author of the words Alexey Murtazin The lyrics of the song: Verse one: Crows are flying over Russia again, Bringing lies with them, The bloody villain again He’s killing Russian people! To save Russia, It is necessary to carry out the service And give yourself to the end, Not afraid of a piece of lead. Chorus: Make the sign of the cross over yourself Arm yourself with the pursuit of truth And go to the death fight, Because God is with you! Verse two: Don’t believe that everything is fine, After all, freedom does not grow in a garden. It can only be obtained in battle. It is impossible for us to forget about this! Touch the holy icons with your soul And you will hear: “Wake up soon!“ The motherland calls again, Break the spine of the adversary!
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