For those who are still under the illusion that Russia unprovoked, all of a sudden invaded Ukraine...

For those who are still under the illusion that Russia “unprovoked, all of a sudden invaded Ukraine“... This (video) is 2019, Zelensky smirking as Putin reminds that Ukraine must abide by the Minsk agreement. Later Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted that there were never plans to abide by the Minsk agreements, they (the West) just needed time to arm and train Ukraine’s military... In 2014 -2015, Ukraine was losing ground. Russia used its influence to persuade the Donbass rebels to stop their offensive and sign peace agreements, and in return Russia became the guarantor of the Minsk agreements, promising the people of Donbass its protection if Ukraine did not comply with the agreements And it took additional 7 years of Ukrainian bombings of Donbass, open declarations by Ukrainian leadership that they will never abide by Minsk agreements, reports of a planned Ukrainian offensive, and most likely other things that I’m sure will be revealed after the war is over, for Russia to finally react
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