Superb Digital Art created from Photos

2. NATURE - DIGITAL ART This extraordinary digital art was made from original copyright-free photos and, with the help of some software filters, turned into this mind-blowing digital art that truly inspires. Now you can own this unique, one-of-a-kind digital art mixture of pop art, comic art, and oil paint. The best is that this downloadable art is copyright FREE and can be used for eCommerce! Therefore, you can use this art on, for example, print-on-demand products or print it out on a poster and mount it on your wall. The sky is the limit of what you can do with it. Thus, there is NO LIMIT at all in using this art! The file that you will receive, once paid for, will be free from the grid watermark and also of a much higher quality to be able to, for example, print it on large posters, bedding, shower curtains, etc. Therefore edit, change and use the file as you see fit for your purpose. The dimensions of the horizontal file are 4060 pixels in width and 2900 pixels in height, with a 30
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