L’ ÉCLOSION DU JOUR (FX exercice - Bachelor of Arts in Character Animation and Animated Filmmaking)

At dawn, in the heart of a quiet meadow, a “lighter“ undertakes the ascent of a plant. Under the magic that flows from his hands, the buds filled with dew on his way bloom and spread the light of day. Will he get to the top of his flower in time?“ . À l’aube, au cœur d’une prairie tranquille, un “éclaireur“ entreprend l’ascension d’une plante. Sous la magie qui s’écoule de ses mains, les bourgeons emplis de rosées sur sa route fleurissent et répandent la lumière du jour. Arrivera-t-il à temps en haut de sa fleur? . This film was made by 3rd year students from Bachelor of Arts in “Character Animation and Animated Filmmaking“ in GOBELINS, as part of a pedagogical exercise using special effects, on the subject: SPORTS . Directors: Begaiym EMIRLAN, Mathilde GOSSET, Anne GUISSET, Sonya KONDRASHEVA, Rayan TAKHEDMIT, Adam VIRAGH, Zishu WANG Music, sound design & mixing: Ulysse BONNEAU, Mickael
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