Become Smarter Than Your Doctor In 27 Minutes - A Lecture by Dr. Amandha Vollmer

What is PLEOMORPHISM in a Nutshell, and how knowing this makes you vastly smarter than your doctor who only wants to turn you into a Big Pharma Junkie who keeps coming back for another “fix“. So-called “germs“ or “viruses“ are not our enemy - the little particles we see in our bodies did not come from outside the body but as designed by God, were fashioned from INSIDE our bodies to help heal us. IF HOUSE FIRES WERE HANDLED THE WAY HUMAN DISEASE IS HANDLED: The presence of Fire(toxins we consume) on houses is damaging to the Houses(Cells) - When a fire is detected, then a special part of the community is notified of the location of the fire, - Then very special members of this community called Firemen(Bacteria/Germs...) who are trained(aka designed) to use special tools, then collect these tools and mobilize to the scene of the fire(toxic cells). - FULL descr here:
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