One Minute Bunkai: Hakko-Ken (Kojo-Ryu)

One Minute Bunkai:Hakko-Ken is the first of the three old “Animal” family Kata adopted by the famous Kojo Family of Okinawa. Hakko-Ken means “White Tiger-Fist”. This is a sequence from the Kata which emphasizes the “Jinpu Kamae” or “Tiger Posture” there is a primary bukai for Jinpu Kamae, in this case this is a variation that fits the Kata which is very effective and useful one. This Jinpu Kamae presents a well defended profile and it is all close-in fighting (which should go without saying but sadly needs to be said over and over in a world overrun by sports Karate). Kojo-Ryu Karate can be describe as “over-kill” for its emphasis has always been to “end the fight as fast as possible” thus you have to take away your opponents weapons, deny him of his foundation (balance) and break him down so that he will not be in any hurry to get up again (if he is able at all). One effective aspect of this concept is taking away one or two of his hands thus when you drop him there is no chance to “break the fall” and t
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