Neil Oliver on Tucker on the awakening that occurred during the Covid sham: If you aren’t a conspiracy theorist by now, you aren

Neil Oliver on Tucker on the awakening that occurred during the Covid sham: If you aren’t a conspiracy theorist by now, you aren’t paying attention. If they lied to us about something so important, what else have they been lying about? Many people’s trust and worldviews have been shaken to the core because of the amount of monumental lies they pushed on the people during this time. This has backfired and awakened millions to begin to question the very pillars of society that they took for granted and the leaders who were stabbing us all in the back without our knowledge or our consent. The conspiracy theorists were right about everything and were months ahead of the frauds that are the mainstream media. “If you’re not a conspiracy theorist by now, you aren’t paying attention... Realizing that I spent the first fifty-some years of my life believing and trusting a certain worldview that with Covid and everything thereafter all of that fell apart. It’s like picking a thread on a tapestry,... Source: ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter ?
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