My Little Pony in Thinking With Portals: No4. Rainbow Highway

Deviantart Link (better quality): Cave Johnson: Wha... Where’re those Gels?!? They’ve gone missing by the barrels!!! Caroline: Mr. Johnson, Rainbow Dash just ordered them; dozens of barrels of gels. I’m not sure what she’s going to do with them but... Cave Johnson: Hahahahaha! That girl, always on the move. That’s what I like! Deliver the gels to her house this instance. I’d love to see what she’ll be using with those! Perhaps we can even see a Land Based Sonic Rainboom! This one is aimed to practice more on fast paced animation as well as hair dynamics. I don’t know if I got them right, but let’s see about that... By the way, I need to hire a repairman after Twilight broke my laptop screen... Those things cost quite a fortune you know?!? Speaking of which, Feedback and/or critique is most welcome. And plea
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