FMV ➣ 天曜 Tian Yao x 雁回 Yan Hui - 涅槃 (Nirvana)|侯明昊 周也|护心 Back From The Brink OST

🎬:护心 Back From The Brink 🎶:涅槃 Nirvana by 炎明熹 Gigi Yim 等了这么久的《护心》真的没让人失望 而且个人觉得很有以前仙侠剧的味道!! Back From The Brink finally aired after waiting for so long but it definitely didn’t disappoint and not gonna lie I think it has the feels of Xianxia dramas in the past!! 没看过任何周也 侯明昊的剧 但冲着他俩的颜也想试着去看 结果发现他俩演技都挺好的 cp感也超强😍 I personally haven’t watched any of Zhou Ye / Neo Hou&
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