10 Fashionable Facts about Knitting

This is not your grandma’s knitting! From knitting as a social movement to men knitting on stilts, we present little-known and interesting knitting facts that will knock your wool socks off. 1. Knitting was initially a male-only occupation. In fact, when the very first knitting union was established in Paris in 1527, no women were allowed. 2. Knitting needles (as well as coat hangers) are familiar symbols of illegal abortions. Many women have either died or experienced serious complications from self-abortions with knitting needles. 3. Knitting acts as a natural antidepressant and can help ease anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. It can also protect the brain from aging. 4. The term “Stitch-n-Bitch” has been used at least since WWII to refer to social knitting groups. Scholars note that these social knitting groups often influence political, social, and technological change in Western societies. 5. Knitting is
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