Obedience to Authority - From A Stranger - TV Show “What Would You Do“

The events that take place in this video are how many “GangStalkers“ are recruited. “GangStalking“ is an undercover subversive program which uses “ELF“ (Extremely Low Frequencies) to control multiple stalkers to harass “Targeted Individuals“ (TI’s) in this country and in other countries around the world. Many of these “GangStalkers“ are recruited by someone who poses as an “Authority Figure“ and are given inaccurate information about “Targeted Individuals“ (TI’s). Many times the TI’s have done nothing or are set up to look like they are what is being told to the “GangStalkers.“ The GangStalkers in turn will illegally stalk the TI’s and will try to destroy the TI’s life. As one can see in this video, that any body can pose as an “Authority Figure“ and can control people to commit crimes against someone that has done absolutely nothing or has been set up to look like a criminal. The out come is the destruction of the “Targeted Individuals“ life! GangStalking has been around for centuries and was used by the KKK and other subversive cults. In modern times with sophisticated technology called “ELF“ (Extremely Low Frequency) or more popularly known as “Mind Control“, “GangStalking“ is now high tech and can be hidden in plain sight. There are hundreds of thousands of people in this country and around the world complaining about these tactics being used on them. For more information on “GangStalking“ look it up on the web in any search engine. There is a wealth of info about this topic which is a serious crime. There have been news reports on this crime and many books written on this topic which I believe the first book written by David Lawson entitled “Terrorist Stalking In America.“ Another good book to read is “Satellite Terrorism In America“ by Dr. John Hall.
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