New Scientific Discoveries are Debunking Stereotypes of Neanderthal Intelligence

New Scientific Discoveries are Debunking Neanderthal Stereotypes and Misconceptions. Homo neanderthalensis, Natives of the ancient forests of Europe, also known as the Neanderthal, have long been associated with brutish behavior, but several recent studies contribute to a growing body of literature that challenges this stereotype. Until recently, Neanderthals were widely regarded as simple-minded savages - powerful hunters with short attention spans. But, in recent years, scientists have discovered that they were far more sophisticated than previously thought, capable of caring for the vulnerable, burying their dead, and even adorning themselves with feathers and eagle talons. This refinement is also reflected in their anatomy; Neanderthals are sometimes thought to be incapable of throwing spears, creating precision-crafted tools, and portrayed as physically inferior. CHAPTERS: 0:00 NEANDERTHAL INTELLIGENCE 4:00 NEANDERTHAL ANATOMY 8:00 NEANDERTHALS DECODED SOURCES;
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