Bruno Giuffredi plays Rondo brillant op. 2 n. 1 by Dionisio Aguado

The playing video of Bruno Giuffredi. Professor at the Conservatory music of NOVARA “Guido Cantelli“ Italy , “Giulio Regondi“ guitar academy of Milan and “Matteo Bevilacqua“ guitar academy of Alcamo. Dionisio Aguado Rondò op. 2 n. 1 00:01 Adagio 05:33 Polonaise (Rondò) Special Thanks to Special thanks to STEZZANO municipal administration and Fabio Bussola for the organisation. Daniele Fontana: Video editing @ Stefano Pinzi: Mastering audio info@ Location: VILLA MAFFEIS, comune di STEZZANO (BG) ITALIA Guitar by Pietro Gallinotti (1953) Strings: DOGAL Diamante regular
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