Impossible object of Oscar Reutersvärd, 不可能図形

Take a break from Perpetual motion! Enjoy a new impossible object model of Oscar Reutersvärd. Swedish artist Oscar Reutersvärd was one of the first to deliberately design many impossible objects. He has been called “the father of impossible figures“.[8] In 1934 he drew the Penrose triangle, some years before the Penrose. In Reutersvärd’s version the sides of the triangle are broken up into cubes. How to make an impossible object out of wood An impossible object (also known as an impossible figure or an undecidable figure) is a type of optical illusion. It consists of a two-dimensional figure which is instantly and subconsciously interpreted by the visual system as representing a projection of a three-dimensional object. In most cases the impossibility becomes apparent after viewing the figure for a few seconds. However, the initial impression of a 3D object remains even after it has been contradicted. There are also more subtle examples of impossible objects w
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