Our Magical Winter Cabin, Lapland - Exploring more than just Rovaniemi - Finland

We rented a Magical Winter Cabin in the Arctic Circle, two hours from Rovaniemi, Lapland. This magical winter cabin was our home for 4 days as we explore the wilderness around Äkäslompolo in Northern Finland. We wanted a more peaceful holiday away from all the tourist attractions many go to see in Rovaniemi. This also gave us a greater chance of seeing the aurora borealis or the Northern Lights. Join us to see if we managed to spot this elusive phenomenon? Also during our wonderful winter cabin holiday in Lapland, we will stop briefly at the Santa Claus village to see what all the fuss is about, take an overnight sleeper train to the Capital Helsinki and find out more about the indigenous people called the Sami. So there are lots to take away from this Magical Winter Cabin trip, and let’s not forget all the SNOW making it a very cosy, snowy Christmas Holiday! Äkäslompolo Muonio Rovani
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