Use Your EAR to Predict a Heart Attack

Check for this interesting predictor of a heart attack right now—it’s as easy as looking in the mirror. DATA: 0:00 Introduction: A good predictor of heart attack 2:40 Heart attack prevention 4:38 Learn more about the worst food for the cardiovascular system (it’s not sugar)! There is an interesting predictor of a heart attack that you can look for right now. Go to the mirror and look for a crease on your ear lobe, starting where the hole is and coming out 45 degrees. Coronary artery disease or cardiovascular disease causes you to lose blood flow to the heart muscle. A chronic lack of blood flow to the heart causes the loss of circulation in the peripheral parts of the body first, like the ear lobes. Without this blood supply to the ear lobes, you can develop this crease. This crease shows up in about 71% of people with heart disease.
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