BERLIN gestapo terror every city Germany constant sirens then actual steal your ear plugs attempted to destroy your psych

The crimes committed by German physicians in their human experimentation have been amply documented. The victims were mainly Jews, Poles, Russians, and other prisoners. They suffered horribly from the gruesome experiments; many died. A few examples of these experiments include subjecting prisoners to a low pressure chamber to determine the maximum altitude from which crews of damaged aircraft could parachute to safety, freezing experiments using prisoners to find an effective treatment for hypothermia, Other experiments subjected prisoners to phosgene and mustard gas, infecting inmates with malaria, typhus, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, infectious hepatitis and other diseases. The infamous Dr. Joseph Mengele performed twin experiments at Auschwitz to test his racial theories. And finally German doctors led the euthanasia program where over 200,000 German citizens whose “lives were deemed not worthy of living,
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