English Vocabulary & Slang: SCORE!!!

Watch to learn the MANY uses of the word ‘score’ in English. I’ll teach you the different meanings of this one versatile word, which can be a noun, a verb, or even an adjective. If you already know these, watch on because I’ll also show you some surprising slang uses of the same word. They involve s#x and dr$gs. Do I have your attention now? Scooooore!!! How well did you understand the lesson? Take the quiz: TRANSCRIPT Score! You just found this lesson, and this lesson is on “score“. And you’re probably confused: Why did I just say: “Score“? Because I say it all the time. I use this when I find something that’s cool or good. So, for example, if I am walking down the street and I see-dunh-dunh-dunh-dunh-20 dollars, I go: “Score!“ because I found something. “Score“ is a word that has many meanings, and I’m going to teach you what they mean in slang-yes-and also what they mean in regular, everyday language. But slang is more fun, so let’s start with the regular, everyday language first of “score“. There’s a really famous guy; he had a big beard, a big hat. Why do you wear such a big hat? I don’t know. And his name was Abraham Lincoln or Abe Lincoln. He was a famous guy in America. He was a president and stuff. To shorten his name, we say: “Abe“. And we don’t say the name like: “Linc-lon“; we say: “Lincoln“, which I’m still trying to work out. So, Abe Lincoln said this famous quote; he said: “Four score and seven years ago.“ And maybe you know “score“ means to get a point or get a goal, and you’re wondering why there’s four goals and then seven years. But actually, “score“ meaning number one, means 20. So, yes, I have to do math again, but this time I can do it. So, if you say: “Four score“, that means 20 times four, which is-dunh-dunh-dunh-dunh-80. So-haha-four times 20 is 80. So, basically, “score“ means 20 of something. You can get a score of apples, which means 20 apples. “Four score and seven years ago“-a very famous quote-actually means 87 years ago. I didn’t do the math, obviously. Thanks to Josh for doing that. Unh-huh. You might know “score“ if you watch sports. So, if you watch hockey, or baseball, or any sports, they score a goal; and this means: When you score a goal, you get a point. So, as a sentence, you can say: “The team scored 10 points.“ So they got 10 points. Score! Sometimes when people watch hockey, they’ll all of a sudden go: “Score!“ Right now, if you’re hearing a little bit of noise, it’s because there’s a hockey game going on and people are going to yell. Or maybe they’re just crazy people. Another way that we use the word “score“ as a noun is a piece of music. There is a really fantastic movie, I think, called Pee-wee’s Big Adventure, and the soundtrack... “This movie’s score was written by Danny Elfman.“ So, Danny Elfman is a very famous composer, and he wrote the music or the score for Pee-wee’s Big Adventure. Do you know that movie? If you’ve never seen the movie, go; it’s so funny. Don’t go; Google it, look at it on your computer. If you go to the movies, there’s no movies anymore of Pee-wee’s Big Adventure; I’m sorry. So it’s something you’re going to have to do by yourself. So, the movie’s score (the movie’s music) was written by Danny Elfman. Now that song is in my head. Ding-ding-ding-ding. Another thing you can do is you can score music. This means that you arrange or change the music. As an example, as a composer, I would take... I have written music for only a violin, and a viola, and a cello, which would be three people playing it; but I want to make it a quartet which has four people, so I’m going to score the music to include a flute. So: “The quartet“-which means four-“was scored for the flute, violin, viola, and piano.“ This means the music was changed or rearranged to include another instrument. Do you play an instrument? Do you play the flute? Oh. Another way we use this is in cooking or not in cooking, but most commonly in cooking, is you make a cut or a mark on something. So, you will hear maybe on cooking shows: “She scored the roast.“ So, a lot of the times you cut the fat of the meat so it doesn’t explode and it’s delicious. So, you can cut or mark the surface of something. So, your roast looks like this, you’ve got a layer of fat, and you score it. The next one is also a verb, and... to draw a line through writing. So, maybe you have a teacher and your teacher doesn’t like what you’ve written, so they get out their red pen (or in this case, a blue pen) and they do this. This is called “score“. So, they score out the words. Now we’re getting into the slang; this is where the fun happens. I told you that I say this a lot, and “score“ means you find something that’s good. Okay? So if I’m walking down the street and I see dog poo, I’m not going to yell: “Score!“ I’m going to say: “Ew. Somebody didn’t clean up their dog poo, and this is disgusting“. […]
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