Recently, quite a few people have been asking me whether you can actually wield a steel greatsword with any significant sort of speed and change the direction of your attacks easily. So I figured it would be cool to do a short video to showcase some different greatswords I have trained with over the years and compare their weight and the speed at which I can swing them.
All of these swords fall roughly within the 2-4kg spectrum of historical examples that were intended for actual battlefield us. In order:
- GoNow foam greatsword, 2kg
- Blackfencer nylon montante, 2kg
- Ancient Forge custom bidenhander, 2kg
- Regenyei Spadone, 2,3kg
- Kvetun greatsword, 2,8kg
- Fire sword by Rab McMeikan
#historical #fencing #hema #greatsword #montante #zweihander #guts #eldenring #darksouls