Fabio Wibmer’s Spectral:ON Bikecheck at CLLCTV Sessions Saalbach

Fabio Wibmer gives us a run down on his Canyon Spectral:ON at our first CLLCTV Sessions event in Saalbach, Austria. The Spectral ON features the new Shimano EP8 motor, providing more torque packed in a smaller and lighter package, making the frame design sleek and lighter than its previous iteration. Not only is it more powerful, but with a new 630Wh battery, the Spectral:ON will go further for longer, making it the perfect During Fabios recovery from his foot injury, the Spectral:ON has been his go to bike, allowing hime to keep the legs spinning and get out on some chilled trail ride, but it will be one of his favourite go to bikes post injury as the speed in which he can session his local bikepark is too good to turn down. Find the Spectral:ON here: #MyCanyon #FabioWibmer #SpectralON Website: Follow Canyon on Instagram: Follow Canyon on Facebook: Follow Canyon on Twitter: https:
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