Soothing Orthodox Chant (First Part of Polyeleos)

Old Christian music is a music of relaxation and prayer, soothing, drives away depression, insomnia, stress and anxiety, brings sleep and serenity to children. The Psalms were written 3000 years ago by King David, with the power to drive away evil and reconcile people with God, teaching him prayer. Generally, in the beginning, Christian songs were sung in the church by all believers. In the monastery, in the first centuries of Christianity, the psalms were recited in particular. Old psaltic music (or psalmody) has been best preserved in todayโ€™s Christian-Orthodox songs. This song is the first part of the Latrinon Polyeleos (Psalm 134), the oldest known polyeleos. It was written in the old neumatic notation, in Romance / Byzantine psaltic manuscripts, from the XII-XIV centuries. Audio printing is for guidance and is a sound reconstruction, starting from the transcription of old names. For the accompaniment of the melodic line the double ison was used. The recording of the hallelujatic
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