8 Foundations of Creative Society

A Human is the fundamental unit of society. Humanity is one big family. FIRST FOUNDATION Of CREATIVE SOCIETY 💠 Human Life Human life is the highest value. Life of any Human has to be protected as one’s own. The goal of society is to ensure and guarantee the value of each Human’s life. There is not and never can there be anything else more valuable than a Human’s life. If one Human is valuable, then all People are valuable! SECOND FOUNDATION OF CREATIVE SOCIETY 💠 Human Freedom Every human is born with the right to be a Human being. All People are born free and equal. Everyone has the right to choose. There can be no one and nothing on Earth superior to a Human, his freedom and rights. The implementation of Human rights and freedoms must not violate the rights and freedoms of others. THIRD FOUNDATION OF CREATIVE SOCIETY 💠 Human Safety No one and nothing in society has the right to create threats to the life and freedom of a Human&
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