Purchase the Album here:
Artist: Blackthorn
Album: Codex Archaos
Released: 2011
Country: Russia
Genre: Symphonic/Gothic Extreme Metal
Record Label: MSR Productions
1. Divination in Blood
2. Vehemence Came as Anodyne
3. Nemesis Incarnation
4. Gorgon the Ascendant
5. Emptysis Kiss
6. Arria Marcella
7. Posthumous Passion Ephemera
8. Dismalediction and the Remedy
9. Серебряный ключ
10. Hexshadow Turned to Flesh
11. Bestial Satan of Grotesque Beauty
12. The Fading Ceremony
For promotional purposes only. I want to promote Symphonic/Melodic Black metal by showing good bands. If the record label or band wish for me to delete this video then please send me a message and I shall remove it straight away. Thank you.