Sq-1: parity + cubeshape example solve

Example solve for CSP, I hope this helps. Scramble (in terms of the pieces): Reference scheme: yr,yo,yg,yb / wr,wo,wg,wb Edges: yb,wg,yg,wb / wo,wr,yr,yo 4 7 3 8 / 6 5 1 2 Corners: yb,wo,yr,wg / yg,yo,wb,wr 4 6 1 7 / 3 2 8 5 Trace edge cycles: @1 = 4 @4 = 8 [1] @8 = 2 [0] @2 = 7 [1] @7 = 1 [0] end cycle Cycle break, piece 3 solved, next unsolved piece is 5 @5 = 6 @6 = 5 [1] end cycle Trace corner cycles: @1 = 4 @4 = 7 [0] @7 = 8 [1] @8 = 5 [0] @5 = 3 [1] @3 = 1 [0] end cycle Cycle break, next unsolved piece is 2 @2 = 6 @6 = 2 [1] end cycle Answer: 1 = odd parity. Since default (3 mover) for scallop/scallop switches parity, do default solution to get even parity after cubeshape.
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