Bach - 15 inventions BWV 772-786 | Netherlands Bach Society

Like the ricercares of the Renaissance and early Baroque, Bach’s 15 inventions, performed by various young performers for All of Bach, are experiments (here very concise ones) on a musical idea, a theme and a new way of combining lines. In tiny doses, the player can thus familiarise himself with the effect of music and with Bach’s genius. Bach’s 15 inventions are in the Klavierbüchlein, the exercise book that Bach compiled around 1720 for his eldest son, Wilhelm Friedemann. Recorded for the project All of Bach on April 16th 2016 at Ottone, Utrecht. If you want to help us complete All of Bach, please subscribe to our channel and consider donating For the short documentary on Bach’s 15 Inventions go to For the interview with harpsichordist Siebe Henstra on the 15 inventions go to For more information on BWV 772-786 and this production go to
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