William Hughes - Australian Premier In Cardiff, Wales (1914-1918)

Cardiff, Wales. William Hughes, Australian Premier, receives Freedom of City of Cardiff. Seen reviewing and inspecting troops. Riding through city in open carriage. Talking to various dignitaries including mayor etc. American Cataloguing Entry: Diplomacy; international; commonwealth; politician. State Visit of Australian Prime Minister William Hughes. Opens with shot of a group of people; including Hughes; Lord Mayor in traditional garish costume; men carrying big sceptre sort of things; all walking up street toward camera; past line of soldiers with rifles (and a few with musical instruments). In fact they walk around an officer who stands in mid-street with sword raised. CU Hughes; Lord M. guy with sword. GV large open area: 4 guards on horses ride in; then horse-drawn open carriage crosses. Pan to carriage driving under arch. CU Hughes with 2 other men in carriage. Guards on horseback; followed by carriage; drive toward camera; big palace in BG (Caernarvon castle?). CU Hughes talking to soldiers. Hug
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