Cork Fire At Hayes Middlesex (1949)

Hayes, Middlesex. SCU. Fireman, through smoke, standing by equipment. MS. Fireman operating hose. MS. and LS. Two firemen playing hose on smouldering cork dump. SCU. Fireman manipulating hose. MS. Water jet from hose makes cork cuttings fall. MS. Two firemen playing hose. LS. Dump smouldering. Firemen with hoses. MS. Two firemen with hoses. NCU. Fireman’s face pan to another fireman’s face. MS. Firemen with hoses. LS. G.V. dump, with large pool of water in foreground, caused by firemen’s hoses. MS. Two firemen, ankle deep in water, playing hose, pan with jet of water as it hits pile of cork. LS. G.V. smouldering cork with pool of water in foreground and firemen moving about. MS. Firemen pulling hose to new position. CU. Head shot of fireman. SCU. Pan up hose to fireman stretching to L.V. of the scene of devastation. MS. Pan from firemen by engine over to smouldering heap. MS. Pan along stretched out lengths of hose. (.) FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANN
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