PROJECT BRUTALITY 3.0 - Doomguy’s Bad Morning Episode [100% SECRETS]

PROJECT BRUTALITY 3.0 and A Bad Morning Episode by SergeantAnger for DOOM II Hell On Earth, Chaotic Random Spawn Preset on Man And A Half Difficulty Level with 100% Secrets Achieved. Project Brutality 3.0 is an upcoming version of one of the best available mods for the classic Doom - expect a lot of fun when playing it. Please note that the Project Brutality 3.0 in its current state is still Work In Progress, so bugs are to be expected, together with crashes to desktop (same with addons, they are not 100% always compatible and actual). The Bad Morning episode of Black Jack WAD has some narrative vibes while playing it, basically every level begins with a short-medium introduction to the level from Doomguy’s perspective about the objective. And well, first map begins with Doomguy woke up in the middle of the night because of the strange noises outside his bedroom, while he is not sure what happens, it’s time to grab his trusty shotgun. If you are not satisfied with using only a shotgun, inside a closet
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