Приглашаю присоединиться к нашей группе Вконтакте: -45- GLORY AND PRAISE Glory and praise to our God on high Glory and praise for the gift of Life Glory and love to the hosts of Light Mighty I AM, the Holy Christ Self, the Threefold Flame! To the plants of the field, we return our thanks For the air that we breathe, Life’s eternal flame For the gifts of the sea, we send love to thee For sunshine and rain, for harvest and grain— all nature we praise! Glory and praise to the Central Sun Alpha, Omega, our love to you Elohim, stars of the morning light Rainbow rays from heavenly heights! Mighty hosts of Light Release thy violet fire, thy lightning-blue perfection Great ascended hosts Now rend the human veil through purity and love. (softly) Mighty hosts of Light We call to thee to raise the consciousness of mankind Through love and light inspire obedienc
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