What Students Need To Know About The Excretory System.

The excretory system refers to the continuous production of wastes that cannot be reused or even toxic in the metabolic process of animals. At the same time, excessive intake of water, salt and some toxic substances are taken into the body when the animals ingest food, and these substances must be continuously excreted. The endogenous metabolites, excess substances, and substances not required by the body are transported to the excretory organs through the blood circulation, and are excreted from physiological processes called excretion. This process is mainly done by the way the kidneys form urine. The excretory system also has a relatively stable function of regulating body water, salt metabolism, acid-base balance, and maintaining the internal environment while discharging urine. The principal function of the urinary system is to maintain the volume and composition of body fluids within normal limits. One aspect of this function is to rid the body of waste products that accumulate as a result of cellula
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