Опубликовано: 24 нояб. 2017 г.
Uh, this is our first public mep and you know what? I’m very happy with the result! Thanks to all those who participated and who helped with the changes !!!!
In the future, perhaps we will more often arrange them :D
PART 1: Princess Kristen Rose S.C
PART 2: sonic the warrior cat
PART 3: NoisyGirl 991
PART 4: XStarAlfaWolf
PART 5: Chocoo Coco
PART 6: мıʀı-cнαɴ
PART 7: Scarletthehedgehog
PART 8: Lady Rouge 007
PART 9: sonikkuann
PART 10: PxL36Ø
PART 11: Pikxxoo
PART 12: Blue Berry Amy
PART 13: Areli Rios
PART 14: KoolBabylon 12
PART 15: HyliaHope
OUTRO by Leader [NoisyGirl 991]
►Song: Prosecco
►Artist: VooDoo Doll
~ Leader NoisyGirl 991