10 Years of the Russian Village Boys / 2014 - 2024

EURO-TOUR 2024: Guys, on March 28, 2014, we uploaded our first video on YouTube, where we hung out with friends in our village near St. Petersburg. We called this video “Russian Village Boys,“ and that’s how our story began. At first, we simply had fun on camera in the village with the music of Boaz van der Beatz, Mr. Polska, Paul Elstak, Jebroer, Kid de Blits, Ronnie Flex, and other musicians. Then we wanted to write our own music, and in 2018, our first hits came out: “Love Netherlands“ and “Cyka Blyat.“ Well, you know the rest... So much has happened in these 10 years that it feels like it’s been 30. Albums, concerts, festivals, legendary collaborations, music videos, streams... We remember and cherish every moment of our lives and love everyone who has been with us on this journey infinitely. There’s even more to come! Which moment of our story will forever remain in your hearts? Ӻ
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