Pleasant Sounds of Rain Noise and Thunder

Pleasant sounds, soothing and pleasing to the ear, make you smile and squint with pleasure. Such wonderful sounds include the sound of rain and the sound of thunder. In ancient times, when the first humans lived in caves, during thunderstorms and rain all predators would hide in their hiding places. During this time, man felt safe and relaxed. This feeling of tranquility has instinctively been passed on to modern man. That is probably why the noise of rain and even the sound of thunder has a soothing and calming effect on people. It is known that in ancient times there were special rules against loud noises in cities. However, the impact of sounds on the human body has not been studied for a long time. Only nowadays modern scientists have conducted research in this area. As a result, they have found that excessive noise reduces performance and depresses the body’s nervous system. People in such conditions experience high blood pressure, disorders of the digestive system and insomnia.
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