Contemporary Art: Umberto Benappi gallery arte contemporanea Torino - Giuseppe Alletto visual artist

#art #artist #fair #artgalleries #contemporaryart #giuseppealletto #artgallery Contemporary Art: Umberto Benappi gallery arte contemporanea Torino - Giuseppe Alletto visual artist Galleria Umberto Benappi descends from a long-lasting tradition of gallery owners who have been part of the art market for four generations. It deals with modern and contemporary art. It is based in a former artist workshop inside the Corbetta Bellini di Lessolo palace, an historical building in the centre of Turin. The Gallery collaborates with national and international galleries and institutions, in order to promote solo and group exhibitions, taking advantage as well of Italian and foreign curators contribution. When exhibitions take place, books and catalogues, along with authoritative critical texts, are published in order to document and promote the exhibition projects and artists. For over ten years, the Gallery has attended national and international art fairs. ------------
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