U.S. Girls x Glenn Gould - Good Kinda High ☁️💊💨

Experience it now Meg teams up w/ Classical Music icon Glenn Gould (1932-1982) for an unlikely collaboration taken from the album Uninvited Guests “I like to imagine Gould and I as two freaks on the same leash,“ says Remy. “Trying to be invisible trying to be seen.“ Story by Meg Remy Music: Glenn Gould Directed by Billy Wild Learn more: The track arrives nearly forty years after the death of renowned pianist, and is being released as part of a project from producer Billy Wild called Uninvited Guests, in which he uses samples of Gould performances to build new works in collaboration with contemporary artists in a wide range of genres. “This started 7 years ago as a challenge on whether or not Glenn Gould could be made to sound current,“ says Wild. For the single Remy has written over a beat produced by Wild and co-producer Gabriel Pick, and was an exciting creative opportunity for her, as a long time Gould fan, to engage with the work of her fellow
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