The Belgorod Brit tackles the seemingly controversial fact that he is British. For an alarming number of people, mostly from the

The Belgorod Brit tackles the seemingly controversial fact that he is British. For an alarming number of people, mostly from the former British empire, the sound of an English accent sets them off. BB explains that he isn’t an aristocrat, and is actually a product of the peasant and working poor, and is not a fan of imperialism, despite the fact that some people think he sounds like royalty. In the podcast, BB goes deeper into the effect of the colonial mindset on the colonised. Blaming the British empire for your present problems is at best a weak excuse for inaction, and at worst an unjustifiable and false exculpation of your own ancestors complicity in the mechanics of empire. #TheBelgorodBrit #InfoDefenseAuthor #IndoDefensePodcast InfoDefenseENGLISH InfoDefense Source: InfoDefenseENGLISH
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