STEREOPORNO live dj set 8 Years on the Stage R_sound video

Location: “Fantomas Chateau & Rooftop“, Moscow You can support live mixes, donate here: Listen to live dj set: Video broadcast: R_sound Genre: Electronic Style: house, techno, melodic techno / house, electro R_sound music video. Organizer: STEREOPORNO Artist: STEREOPORNO Charismatic electronic duet from the Russian capital, which managed in a short time to declare themselves as recognizable club artists, as well as promising music producers. The guys are positioning themselves as a new generation of Russian djing, grown up on the classics of the genre and added their own unique style and original sound. The concept of the project is built around a careful musical selection, trends and trends, as well as their own copyright material. Active studio and touring activity contributes to the stable creative growth of
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