Tony + Loki | Ever Since

Watch in 1080p [HD] please. ________________________________________ » thinking ’bout the way you smiled golden « Did you honestly think I wouldn’t make a new Frostiron video? Well, if you did, I wouldn’t really blame you, it’s been eight months since the last one after all. :’) But! They’ve basically been my biggest OTP for the last five years and I just wasn’t able to vid either of them (or anything Marvel related for that matter) for so long after watching Endgame. As I was saying to my friend yesterday, I’m just refusing to accept most of both Infinity War and Endgame, as much as I do enjoy some parts of those movies, Loki’s and Tony’s deaths just aren’t one of them. So, yeah, in my mind, those two are alive and well and kicked Thanos’ ass without dying, period. I honestly don’t know what it is about this ship but every time I find the right song and start a video with them, I always finish it. Don’t think it’s ever happened that I’d close a project about them and be like “fuck it, this doesn’t work“
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