Ty Bollinger Interviews Dr ES Rajendran about homeopathy

Ty Bollinger interviews Dr Rajendran with the planes flying overhead, at the Bangkok airport. It doesn’t stop Ty Bollinger from getting in there and asking some big questions. This is the raw unedited interview ahead of the screening later in the year. Warning: for some people there are more than a few hard truths and surprises in this interview. Reproduced here with permission of Ty Bollinger via Dr Rajendran. They talk for 36 minutes and it’s worth listening to because you will really get to understand why Ty has been described as a “truth seeker.“ In this unedited interview, Ty Bollinger says “that was an amazing interview, Rajendran you are a trailblazer!” “I have had many interviews over the years about homeopathy but never one that explained how homeopathy works”
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