Calliope Mori - Make ’Em Afraid (Metal Remix)

“I’m ready and willin’... so make me your villain.“ Ok, THIS is my favorite song on Shinigami Note. A banger beat, great lyrics, and Calli’s best vocal performance to date. Like, seriously. Both her singing and rapping have improved so much since her debut, and THOSE SCREAMS IN THE SECOND VERSE GOOD LORD. Such an already aggressive-sounding song deserves an equally aggressive cover, so that’s what I tried to deliver here. Since it’s in a different time signature from other songs I’ve done (6/8), that gave me the opportunity to try out some new rhythms I haven’t done before. There’s arguably even more Lamb of God influence here than in the Mera Mera remix, which is most apparent in the section from 3:02 to 4:11. I’ve talked about how good the band’s drumming is before, but I was also hugely inspired by Willie Adler & Mark Morton’s guitar work as well, which I’ve come to appreciate more and more. Their rhythm section is more intricate tha
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