RED SKY: Close Pass of the RED planet “Isatum“ ❤️😧 1 of the 8 planets in our TWIN SOLAR SYSTEM 💯🤯
Minnesota USA 😎 8/26/24 🤩❤️
“RED SKY“ = caused by a VERY CLOSE PASS of the
“RED PLANET“ = Isatum’ 🎯😧❤️
*Isatum’ is 1 of the 8 planets in our
BINARY TWIN SOLAR SYSTEM that is currently HERE passing just outside earths atmosphere DAILY...😮💯
*ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE caused by these CLOSE passing PLANETS & ASTEROIDS using the power of ELECTROMAGNITISM to PUSH themselves AWAY from earth in order to avoid “crashing“.....⚡🧲🎯❤️
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