Flat Earther Asks How "Artemis" Can Turn Without a Steering Wheel | Pseudoscientist #9

With the recent Artemis I mission, flat earthers have been trying to debunk it, but none of them come close to how today’s pseudoscientist tries to debunk it. Ready your facepalm protection, as you are definitely going to need it for this one. Photos: My channel is primarily about adressing pseudoscience, debunking conspiracy theories, and sifting out science fact from science fiction. $50 Patrons: Hugh Jarsz SHaKie Jett Alone Nathaniel Muller Vermont1777 $20 Patrons: Wolfie Morrie Graymore Ghost KidVicious Sacha Campbell Kitten McKitten (from Kitten Town) Craig D’Amelio Nurthen Thurmpson Richard M Chapman $10 Patrons: What Jesus FTFE MCToon Richard Wilkin Chuck Floyd FactorOfTwo $5 Patrons: Simon D. Betsy Klein Nowpinion Steven De Bock Stephen Litten Steve Aldridge
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