Atomic Layer Deposition of copper - If you like sputtering, you’ll love this!

An explanation and demo of atomic layer deposition (ALD) of copper metal on glass. Precursors are copper(I) chloride and hydrogen, processed in a hot-wall tube quartz tube furnace. 10 torr operating pressure 500 sccm argon sweep/purge gas constantly flowing 75 sccm CuCl argon pulse gas (17 seconds including flow controller lag) 100 sccm H pulse gas (14 seconds including flow controller lag) 7 second purge time between pulses 100mm quartz tube furnace diameter 415*C deposition temperature 350*C CuCl evaporation temperature Substrates are mostly borosilicate glass cleaned with RCA clean The “good“ samples shown in the video are about 750 cycles (about 9 hours Main ref: :// Also helpful: :// ://(92)90191-K Alicat flow controller manuals (hard to fi
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