Skinny Puppy - Inquisition (Live)

Inspired by the music of Nocturnal Emissions, Portion Control, and The Legendary Pink Dots, music which had been accessible to the band primarily via tape exchange, Skinny Puppy experiments with analog and digital recording techniques, composing multi-layered music with synthesizers, drum machines, acoustic percussion, tape-splices, found sounds, distortion, samplers, and conventional rock music instruments. They also incorporate samples from films and radio broadcasts into their songs, and apply liberal amounts of distortion and other effects to Ogre’s vocals, which are often delivered in the stream of consciousness style. Lyrical themes include animal rights, politics, religion, horror, drug abuse, disease, and environmental degradation; these themes are often lyrically and conceptually intertwined. Skinny Puppy’s often informal, improvisational approach to musical composition is indicated by use of the term brap, coined by them and defined as a verb meaning “to get together, hook up electronic
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