👽 Bashar ~ Don’t underestimate yourself! Earth is A Master Class

Bashar Website: Who is Bashar?: Ask Bashar a Question: First Contact Guide: The Five Universal Laws: 1. You exist 2. Everything is here & now 3. The One is All, the All is One 4. What you put out is what you get back 5. Everything changes except the first 4 laws The Formula: - Follow your highest excitement -To the best of your ability - With no insistence on the outcome - Until you can act no further - Along the path of least resistance - Staying in Positive State No Matter What Happens Life Is Meaningless: - Nothing in Creation has intrinsic meaning - Your beliefs & definitions give life meaning - All events are neutral, not positive nor negative - You have the power to create positive/negative - Thus only your (positive) state of being matters
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