Premier’s Dramatic Peace Bid (1958)

Full title reads: “London Airport. Premier’s Dramatic Peace Bid“. London. Macmillan sets off to visit Greece and Turkey to discuss Cyprus troubles. SV Towards and pan to CU Prime Minister Harold Macmillan walking to Comet jet plane at London Airport to take him to Athens. LV Crowds watching from enclosures. SV Prime Minister Macmillan waving from steps of plane. GV Athens, Greece. Various street scenes. GV Cyprus. Various shots of riots and street fighting. Shots of building that has been set on fire. LV Ex-Governor Sir John Harding arriving at Cyprus Airport. Shots of Archbishop Makarios walking with priest. CU of Harding and Greek Mufti. Shots of Harding and Makarios. SV Dead body in main street of Cyprus. Angle shot of British soldier on duty. Various shots of funeral of Greek boy. GV Groups of British Paratroopers searching for rebels in countryside. LV Archbishop Makarios leaving his house to be deported. GV Suez. LV British troops carrying kit bags. Various shots of troops tra
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